Useful tips

Where is the commonappdata folder?

Where is the commonappdata folder?

Each user has an “FBT” folder within %APPDATA% so that per-user settings are stored within their profile.

What is common AppData?

Full path to the Application Data folder common to all users. Note: During Current User installations this variable is mapped to the Current User Application Data folder.

How do I write AppData?

Search for “Run” in the windows search as shown below, or press the Windows + R button to open the Run App. In the run app text box, enter “%AppData%” and click OK. Windows will directly open up the Roaming folder which is inside the AppData folder.

Where to find csidl common AppData in Windows Vista?

Notice that Windows Vista uses a junction point (a new feature of Windows Vista that is a hidden pointer to a folder) from “C:\\Users\\All Users\\Application Data” that points to “C:\\Program Data” so using CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA just works.

Where is the commonappdatafolder property in Windows?

The CommonAppDataFolder property is the full path to the file directory containing application data for all users. Windows Installer 5.0 on Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. Windows Installer 4.0 or Windows Installer 4.5 on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista.

What’s the name of the Common App data?

ProgramData doesn’t have “shared” anything access. CommonAppData is perfectly fine and is recommended and preferred by Microsoft for, well, common app data – as the name suggests. The snag is your installer should create the app’s subfolder there and set appropriate security on it to permit required access (often you want Full Control for Users).

Where is the common appdatafolder variable in Tarma?

Full path to the Application Data folder common to all users. Note: During Current User installations this variable is mapped to the Current User Application Data folder. You can refer to this variable as . Do not change its value; it has been carefully configured for cross-platform compatibility.