Useful tips

Where can I find MongoDB users?

Where can I find MongoDB users?

In order to list all users in the Mongo shell, use the getUsers() method or show command.

  1. Case 1 − Using getUsers() The syntax is as follows − db.getUsers();
  2. Case 2 − Using show command. The syntax is as follows −
  3. Case 1 − The first query is as follows − > db.
  4. Case 2 − The second query is as follows − > show users;

How do I search in MongoDB?

To find documents that match a set of selection criteria, call find() with the parameter. MongoDB provides various query operators to specify the criteria. For a list of the query operators, see Query Selectors.

Where can I find collections in MongoDB?

To obtain a list of MongoDB collections, we need to use the Mongo shell command show collections . This command will return all collections created within a MongoDB database. To be able to use the command, we’ll first need to select a database where at least one collection is stored.

What is find in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, find() method is used to select documents in a collection and return a cursor to the selected documents. Cursor means a pointer that points to a document, when we use find() method it returns a pointer on the selected documents and returns one by one.

How to create an user in MongoDB?

Create MongoDB user Open User Manager and click on Add. Enter the username. Enter the password. This is a required field. Grant the relevant roles by clicking on Grant Roles. To add optional information about the user, use the Custom Data tab and insert it in JSON. Click on Validate JSON to ensure that the code is correct. Click on Add User.

How to get collection names of MongoDB database?

List Collection Names of MongoDB Database Create a client to the MongoDB instance. Using the client, and select a database. It returns a reference to the database. Call the function list_collection_names () on the database. The functions returns an iterator, use for loop to iterate through the list

How to list all users in the mongo shell?

In order to list all users in the Mongo shell, use the getUsers () method or show command. The syntax is as follows − The syntax is as follows − Let us implement both the syntaxes in order to list all users in the Mongo shell.

What is the “Admin” database in MongoDB?

The admin database plays a vital role in authentication and authorization of MongoDB database users. And this admin database is used for administrative purpose too. There are different security mechanisms to enable security in MongoDB. If you have enabled security in MongoDB for authentication and authorization of MongoDB database user then this admin db comes into the picture. Enabling authentication and authorization is optional, however, it’s always recommended to enable for