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What zip code is 97201?

What zip code is 97201?

ZIP Code 97201

Post Office City: Portland, OR (View All Cities)
County: Multnomah County
Timezone: Pacific (7:20pm)
Area code: 971 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 45.51, -122.69 ZIP (~2 mile radius)

What is the county for 97201?

Multnomah County

What is my zip code in Oregon?

Oregon Covers 479 ZIP Codes

ZIP Code City Type
97004 Beavercreek Standard
97005 Beaverton Standard
97006 Beaverton Standard
97007 Beaverton Standard

What county is ZIP code 97225 in?

ZIP Code 97225

Post Office City: Portland, OR (View All Cities)
County: Washington County
Timezone: Pacific (9:29pm)
Area code: 971 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 45.50, -122.78 ZIP (~2 mile radius)

What is Tigard Oregon ZIP code?

Tigard/Zip codes

What ZIP Code has no tax?

03222 – New Hampshire, Bristol. 97080 – Portland, Oregon. 97116 – Forest Grove, Oregon. 97222 – Milwaukie, Oregon.

What is the area code for Portland Oregon?

Portland, OR Local Phone Numbers | Area Codes 503, 971.

What ZIP code means?

Zone Improvement Plan
ZIP is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan. However, the USPS intentionally chose the acronym to indicate that mail travels more quickly when senders mark the postal code on their packages and envelopes. The general system of ZIP codes used today was implemented in 1963.

What is zip code example?

The standard zip code notation used by the United States Postal service uses five digits to identify a delivery area. An example of a standard US zip code is 90210.

What is Woodburn zip code?

Woodburn/Zip codes

Zip Code 97071 is located in the state of Oregon in the Portland metro area. Zip code 97071 is primarily located in Marion County. Portions of 97071 are also located in Clackamas County. The official US Postal Service name for 97071 is WOODBURN, Oregon.