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What were the food rations in the Civil War?

What were the food rations in the Civil War?

During the Civil War, the Union Army had two types of rations: “marching rations” and “camp rations.” Marching rations consisted of sixteen ounces of hard bread, also known as “hardtack”; twelve ounces of salt pork or twenty ounces of fresh meat; and sugar, coffee, and salt.

What was the most common bread ration given to soldiers in the Civil War?

Northern rations. According to the Revised United States Army Regulations of 1861, the daily rations for an enlisted Union soldier included: 12 ounces of pork or bacon; or 1 pound 4 ounces of fresh or salt beef. 1 pound 6 ounces of soft bread or flour; or 1 pound 4 ounces of cornmeal; or 1 pound of hard bread (hardtack …

What was the daily amount of food a Union soldier was entitled to?

According to army regulations for daily camp rations, a Union soldier was entitled to receive 12 oz of pork or bacon or 1 lb. 4 oz of salt or fresh beef; 1 lb. 6 oz of soft bread or flour or 1 lb. of hard bread (hardtack), or 4 oz of cornmeal.

What was actually received food rations?

The Union Army in the American Civil War had a standard ration: roughly three-quarters of a pound of meat, a pound of flour or cornmeal, some kind of vegetable and vinegar and molasses. “If you received the standard ration, it would be substantial,” says Glatthaar.

What was the ration of food during the Civil War?

According to Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, written by a U.S. Army officer from the South before the war, the rations for a soldier during this time usually included: 20 oz.

What are the primary sources for the Civil War?

Primary source sets from the period of the Civil War. Includes sets relating to women, African-Americans, social history, and the South. Over 7,000 battlefield and portrait photographs and glass negatives.

What did soldiers eat in World War 1?

This would be supplemented by (per 100 rations): The most common field rations issued to individual soldiers were salt pork and hardtack, both of which were designed to withstand field conditions without deteriorating. Excess salt could be scraped off the meat to supplement the salt ration.

When did ready to eat rations come to the military?

For contemporary U.S. armed forces in combat, that usually means Meals, Ready-to-Eat, or MREs. MREs first came to the U.S. Armed forces in the early 1980s, as replacements for the much derided canned food rations that had sustained troops from WWII through most of the war in Vietnam.