Useful tips

What is the example of testimonial?

What is the example of testimonial?

A good testimonial is short Look at this example of a long, rambling testimonial… “I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that you guys do a really good job. I’m glad I decided to work with you. It’s really great how easy your websites are to update and manage.

How do you write a customer service testimonial?

1. Ask for them

  1. A short, straightforward subject line.
  2. A direct yet friendly tone of voice.
  3. A benefit or reward for providing the testimonial.
  4. An easy ‘out’ if they don’t want to do it.
  5. A ‘no work’ option that makes the favor you’re asking virtually effortless.

What are the results of the SII test?

Finally the SII INTERESTS & SKILLS EXPANDED gives detailed explanations for results based off of one’s interests and skills. – Strong Interest Inventory or SII Test, also known as Strong Test or Strong Assessment,is a career interest test and provides career matches lists, career motivations, and college major interest test results.

When to take the SII strong interest inventory?

Take this interest personality test at whatever stage of life you are currently in: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS- Take the SII STRONG HIGH SCHOOL CAREER CHARTS get 10 occupational or career matches; receive 6 charts ranking 132 occupations; and get scores on 5 personal work styles with this (chart only) interest personality test.

What does A SII of 0.5 mean?

It turns out that for most conversational speech stimuli an SII of 0.5 would correspond to close to 100% intelligibility for individuals with normal hearing. Some researchers have suggested that we use the term “Audibility Index” to remind us that the AI (or SII) is not a direct measure of intelligibility. 2

How is the Intelligibility Index ( SII ) calculated?

In its simplest form, the SII is calculated by determining the proportion of speech information that is audible across a specific number of frequency bands.