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What is the daughter isotope of thorium-230?

What is the daughter isotope of thorium-230?

List of isotopes

Nuclide Z Daughter isotope
Excitation energy
230Th 90 206Hg 24Ne
231Th 90 231Pa

What is the product of alpha decay of TH 230?

The nuclide thorium-230 undergoes alpha emission to give radium-226 .

What is the atomic number of thorium-230?

Thorium (Th, atomic number 90, in group 3 of the periodic table of elements, standard atomic weight 232, density 11.78 g/cm3) is the first member of the actinide series.

When does the nuclide thorium-230 undergoes alpha decay?

1) When the nuclide thorium-230 undergoes alpha decay: The name of the product nuclide is: The… 1) When the nuclide thorium-230 undergoes alpha decay:

What is the formula for the decay constant λ?

…lambda, λ, is called the decay constant. Integration, in mathematics, technique of finding a function g(x) the derivative of which, Dg(x), is equal to a given function f(x). This is indicated by the integral sign “∫,” as in ∫f(x), usually called the indefinite integral of the function.

Which is the longest decay chain of thorium?

Its decay chain is the thorium series eventually ending in lead-208. The remainder of the chain is quick; the longest half-lives in it are 5.75 years for radium-228 and 1.91 years for thorium-228, with all other half-lives totaling less than 15 days.

What is the 230Th isotope of thorium used for?

230Th is a radioactive isotope of thorium that can be used to date corals and determine ocean current flux. Ionium was a name given early in the study of radioactive elements to the 230Th isotope produced in the decay chain of 238U before it was realized that ionium and thorium are chemically identical.