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What is profit center standard hierarchy?

What is profit center standard hierarchy?

Definition. A special type of profit center group . The standard hierarchy is a tree structure which contains all profit centers in a controlling area and reflects the organizational structure used in Profit Center Accounting.

How do you maintain profit center hierarchy?

How to Create Profit Center Standard Hierarchy? Use the T-code KCH1 or go to Accounting → Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Master Data → Standard Hierarchy → Create. In the next screen, enter the Controlling Area for which you want to create a Standard hierarchy.

How do you show profit centers in SAP?

SAP Easy Access – Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Master Records → Profit Center →Current Settings.

How do you display cost center hierarchy in SAP?

Step-1: – Enter the transaction code OKEON in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue. Click on SAP Reference IMG. Expand SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → Controlling → Cost Center Accounting → Master Data → Cost Centers → Define Standard Hierarchy . Click on Execute.

How to define profit center standard hierarchy in SAP?

IMG path: – SPRO (Tcode) > SAP Reference IMG > SAP Financial Accounting (New) > General Ledger Accounting (New) > Master Data > Profit Center > Define Profit Center Standard Hierarchy in Controlling Area. Step 1: Enter SAP transaction code “SPRO” in the SAP command field and click on execute.

How to create profit center group in SAP?

How to Create Profit Center Group in SAP You can create standard hierarchy for profit center in SAP controlling area by using transaction code TKA01 or using SAP IMG path. SAP transaction code: – KCH1 IMG Menu Path: – Spro >> Controlling >> Profit Center Accounting >> Master data >> Profit Center >> Define Standard hierarchy.

Which is the SAP transaction code to display an existing profit center?

KE52 The SAP transaction Code to display an existing Profit center is? KE53 Here the full list of SAP PCA (Profit Center Accounting) Tcodes in SAP : Check also? Important SAP Profit Center Table in SAP CO (EC-PCA) “A profit center group is a hierarchical structure of profit centers.

How to delete the profit center tcode in SAP?

Through the SAP Menu: SAP menu> Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Master Records > Profit Center > Individual Processing >?Display Delete SAP Profit Center Tcode You can delete the Profit Center using the following Tcodes : KE54 The Path throught he menu is: