Useful tips

What is alter user default role all?

What is alter user default role all?

DEFAULT ROLE ALL means that any roles that are granted to the user are enabled by default when logging into the DB.

How do you set a default role in Oracle?

The DEFAULT clause in the query: sql> alter user [username] default roles [role list]; specifies the roles granted by default to the user at logon. This clause can contain only roles that have been granted directly to the user with a GRANT statement, or roles created by the user with the CREATE ROLE privilege.

How do I set user roles in Oracle?

The syntax to grant a role to a user in Oracle is: GRANT role_name TO user_name; role_name. The name of the role that you wish to grant.

What can be set as default for a user in Oracle Database?

The DEFAULT clause in the query: specifies the roles granted by default to the user at logon. This clause can contain only roles that have been granted directly to the user with a GRANT statement, or roles created by the user with the CREATE ROLE privilege.

How many roles can I enable in Oracle?

You cannot enable more than 148 user-defined roles at one time. When a user logs on, Oracle Database enables all privileges granted explicitly to the user and all privileges in the user’s default roles. During the session, the user or an application can use the SET ROLE statement any number of times to change the roles currently enabled…

When to change the default profile in Oracle?

When you use the user dolphin to log in to the database, Oracle issues a message indicating that the password has expired and requests for the password change as follows: This statement returns the profile of the user dolphin: When you create a new user without specifying a profile, Oracle will assign the DEFAULT profile to the user.

What does it mean to have one default role?

Important: Unless a default role is explicitly defined for a user, all roles granted to the user are default and enabled. Therefore, have one default role for the user and explicitly enable the other roles by SET ROLE in the application.