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What is a reference marker?

What is a reference marker?

Reference Markers “Reference Markers” are signs that serve as location references (not mile markers) and are placed roughly every tenth of a mile along state highways.

What is a reference marker used for in driving?

Welcome To Our Quick & Easy Driving Information Guide Good reference points help you overcome vision problems you encounter. From the drivers seat, choose a reference point to be a visual mark of a specific place on your car that you can relate to some part of the roadway.

What is a reference route?

A reference route is an unsigned highway assigned by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to roads that possess a signed name (mainly parkways), that NYSDOT has determined are too minor to have a signed touring route number, or are former touring routes that are still state-maintained.

How do you read New York state mile markers?

The first digit of the last line is the control segment number (denoting a segment of maintenance; for each county it starts at 1 and increments for each change in maintenance, typically at city lines; in NYC, the number instead denotes the direction of the road, with 1 representing northbound, 2 for southbound, 3 for …

What do you need to know about NYSDOT reference markers?

When initially placed, the reference marker contains an indication of the route number (22A), NYSDOT Region (1), county number within Region (8), order (01), segment (1), and mileage (05.2) from designated points (see the manual for a full description).

Where are reference markers located on a highway?

Reference Markers. “Reference Markers” are signs that serve as location references (not mile markers) and are placed roughly every tenth of a mile along state highways. The Reference Marker Manual is authored by the Highway Data Services Bureau within the Office of Technical Service.

How big is the NYS Reference Marker System?

The Reference Marker Manual, being a government document, is understood to be in the public domain, although it is not directly reproduced here.) These small signs, 8 inches wide by 10 inches high, are placed on all NYSDOT-maintained roads, including touring routes, reference routes, ramps, and so on.

Where are the road markers in New York?

A motorist unfamiliar with New York State’s highways may have noticed and wondered about those small green numeral-laden markers placed at regular intervals along the roadway.