Useful tips

What does OTPS stand for in budgeting?

What does OTPS stand for in budgeting?

OTPS = Other than Personal Services expenses. Account: This column included the BUDGET Account. and all the Expense Accounts.

What OTP means in lol?

In the online game League of Legends, the abbreviation OTP is used with the meaning “One Trick Pony.” In this context, an OTP is a gamer who concentrates on playing only one character and is focused on mastering that character to achieve the highest possible level.

What slang is OTP?

OTP is an acronym that stands for “one true pairing” and is used when a person describes a perfect romantic couple. The acronym typically refers to a book or movie character that a person thinks would be the perfect match for him or her.

What does OTP mean police?

What is the definition of OTP acronym in Police? Definitions of OTP shorthand is “On The Prowl”.

What does OTP mean on snap?

OTP, which stands for One True Pairing, is a term that signifies a person’s favorite fictional romantic relationship.

What does OTP mean bank?

one time password
“OTP SMS” which is one of the Smart Pin family, is a system to send to your mobile phone a “one time password” for your all money transfer and payment operations and Internet Banking login. You or any other person can’t use for a second time these five digit one time passwords generated by OTP SMS.

What does OTP mean in texting Urban Dictionary?

One True Pairing
In any event, though, the acronym was first defined on Urban Dictionary in September of 2003 — a definition which is unfortunately riddled with spelling errors, but which pretty clearly describes what the term means and how to use it: “OTP: One True Pairing.

What is a Chis police?

A CHIS is a Covert Human Intelligence Source – in other words it’s someone who is a regular informant, grass or source for the police.

Why are police called the fuzz?

Why are police called the ‘fuzz’? The “fuzz” was a derogatory slang term for police officers used in the late 60s/early 70s, popular among hippies. The research I have done states it originated in England as it referred to the felt covering on the helmet worn by members of the Metropolitan Police Service.

What does BB mean in text to a girl?

bb is short for baby or babe when you’re texting. People say it for short.

What does OTP mean urban dictionary?

What does OTP mean on TikTok?

The Brief: The abbreviation “OTP” stands for “on the phone” on TikTok.

What does OTP stand for and what it means?

In short, “OTP” stands for “One True Pairing.” It’s used in fandoms to describe any given participant’s favorite couple – or couples, because, perhaps contrary to the term’s very definition, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one OTP (and no, they don’t have to be canonical).

What does OTP stand for in text messaging?

OTP Text Meaning: One True Pairing. One True Pairing is a term used in a fandom for your favourite relationship.

  • OT4 etc.
  • One Time Password. One Time Password is an alpha-numeric number.
  • On The Phone. On The Phone means that a person is talking to someone else on phone.
  • What does OTP mean in medical terms?

    An opioid treatment program (OTP) is defined as “a program or practitioner engaged in opioid treatment of individuals with an opioid agonist medication.”.

    What does OTP stand for in computing?

    A one-time password ( OTP ), also known as one-time PIN or dynamic password, is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital device.