Useful tips

What do you give for esophageal varices?

What do you give for esophageal varices?

Treatments may include: Medications to reduce pressure in the portal vein. A type of blood pressure drug called a beta blocker may help reduce blood pressure in your portal vein, decreasing the likelihood of bleeding. These medications include propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL) and nadolol (Corgard).

What medicine can be used to control the bleeding of esophageal varices?

Beta blockers — Beta blockers, which are traditionally used to treat high blood pressure, are the most commonly recommended medication to prevent bleeding from varices. Beta blockers decrease pressure inside of the varices, which can reduce the risk of bleeding by 45 to 50 percent [1].

How to prevent esophageal varices in liver disease?

While there are no surefire methods for preventing the development of esophageal varices in people with liver disease, there are several strategies one can employ avoid liver disease complication. These include: Avoid drinking alcohol: Is processed by the liver and can put excessive stress on the organ causing further damage.

What does it mean when your esophageal varices are red?

When viewed through a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) passed down your throat, some esophageal varices show long, red streaks or red spots. These marks indicate a high risk of bleeding. Severe cirrhosis or liver failure. Most often, the more severe your liver disease, the more likely esophageal varices are to bleed.

Can a person with esophageal varices bleed again?

Your risk of variceal bleeding is far greater if you continue to drink than if you stop, especially if your disease is alcohol related. If you’ve had bleeding from esophageal varices before, you’re more likely to have varices that bleed again. The most serious complication of esophageal varices is bleeding.

What are swollen veins on the lining of the esophagus?

Esophageal varices are enlarged or swollen veins on the lining of the esophagus. Varices can be life-threatening if they break open and bleed. Treatment is aimed at preventing liver damage, preventing varices from bleeding, and controlling bleeding if it occurs. What are esophageal varices? Varices are veins that are enlarged or swollen.