Useful tips

What code is 076 in Ireland?

What code is 076 in Ireland?

Special numbers

Code Allocation
048 Northern Ireland access
020 91 Dummy numbers reserved for drama, film and television use to avoid accidental clashes with real telephone numbers.
076 VoIP services (due to be phased out)
080 Mailbox for landline users (formerly access code for Northern Ireland)

Are 020 numbers safe?

Recognised — An 0203 number (or any 020 number for that matter) is recognised by London residents, if not across the entire nation. The 020 prefix is granted to regular residents as well as businesses, making it one of the most memorable UK prefixes on the market.

How to call from 020 London area code?

The UK telephone numbers from London have this format : (020) #### #### within the 3 digit geographical dialling code 020 (including the zero) are 11 digits long. NOTE: A list of comments with unrecognised numbers, but with a valid area code. Had a call from the number, didn’t know it was a scam straight away as not on a unknown number.

Which is the correct area code for 02036?

The correct area code is 020 and belongs to landlines from London, the following number (36) is a part of the local number. Please, search in the top search box the full phone number that called you. If you actually received a call from this exact same phone number (02036), it’s definitely a spoofed call mostly used by scammers.

How much does it cost to get a 020 3 number?

You can get a virtual 020 3 number for around £3 a month for each line. That’s really cheap compared with bricks and mortar premises in one of the world’s most expensive cities. And using these numbers can fool a lot of search engines and other online applications which attempt to flag up “local” organisations.

What’s the difference between 02032 and 020 32 area code?

02032 is not an area code in its own right. The area code is in fact 020, and the following 32 is part of the local number. So 02032 should actually be written 020 32, although it makes no difference when dialling the number. For more information on 020 numbers, see the page for the 020 area code