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What are activators in genetics?

What are activators in genetics?

A transcriptional activator is a protein (transcription factor) that increases transcription of a gene or set of genes. Most activators are DNA-binding proteins that bind to enhancers or promoter-proximal elements. The DNA site bound by the activator is referred to as an “activator-binding site”.

What is an activator in an operon?

Activators (and sometimes inducers) instigate positive regulation, and repressors instigate negative regulation. When an activator or inducer binds to an operon, the transcription process either increases in rate or is allowed to continue.

What is an activator in transcription?

Transcriptional activators are proteins that bind to DNA and stimulate transcription of nearby genes. Most activators enhance RNA polymerase binding (formation of the closed complex) or the transition to the open complex required for initiation of transcription.

What role do activators play in gene transcription?

Activator proteins bind to regulatory sites on DNA nearby to promoter regions that act as on/off switches. This binding facilitates RNA polymerase activity and transcription of nearby genes.

What does activator mean?

A substance used to induce or accelerate a chemical reaction. (biology) Any chemical or agent which regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription. noun. (biology) A type of effector that increases the rate of enzyme-mediated reactions.

Is cAMP an activator?

The cyclic AMP (cAMP)-cAMP receptor protein complex functions both as an activator and as a corepressor at the tsx-p2 promoter of Escherichia coli K-12.

What activator means?

Definitions of activator. (biology) any agency bringing about activation; a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription. Antonyms: inhibitor. a substance that retards or stops an activity.

What does it mean to say a DNA sequence is highly conserved?

Conservation indicates that a sequence has been maintained by natural selection. A highly conserved sequence is one that has remained relatively unchanged far back up the phylogenetic tree, and hence far back in geological time.

What can you use instead of activator?

If you prefer to use something instead of borax as an activator, try using liquid starch or contact lens solution and baking soda.

How do you make homemade activator?

A simple and effective baking soda slime activator you can make is four pinches (about 1/2 tsp.) of pure baking soda and 3 tablespoons of multi-purpose contact lens solution. This amount is just right to mix with a 4-6-ounce bottle of glue. In addition, baking soda can help rescue slime that has gone wrong.

What is another name for activator?

Activator Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for activator?

reactor catalyst
apparatus device

What kind of industries does sqm work in?

SQM is a global company engaged in strategic industries for human development, such as health, food, clean energy and the technology that moves the world.

Where are activators found in the regulatory sequence?

Regulatory sequences where activators bind are commonly found upstream from the promoter, but they can also be found downstream or even within introns in eukaryotes. Binding of the activator to its regulatory sequence promotes gene transcription by enabling RNA polymerase activity.

How can post translational modifications increase the activity of an activator?

Depending on the chemical group being added, as well as the nature of the activator itself, post-translational modifications can either increase or decrease the activity of an activator. For example, acetylation has been seen to increase the activity of some activators through mechanisms such as increasing DNA-binding affinity.