Useful tips

Is it good or bad to feel contempt?

Is it good or bad to feel contempt?

Also, disgust doesn’t feel good- the sensations are unpleasant and, when extreme, lead to nausea. The sensations felt during contempt, on the other hand, are not necessarily unpleasant, and may even feel good. Since feeling contempt can assert a feeling of power, it may be a desirable emotion for some.

What does contempt of court mean in Family Court?

If you or your co-parent do decide to begin contempt proceedings, it’s vital that you have documentation of past communication in order.

Is the feeling of contempt a desirable emotion?

Since feeling contempt can assert a feeling of power, it may be a desirable emotion for some. As with all other emotions, the intensity of contempt varies, though the maximum intensity of contempt does not come near the maximum intensity of disgust.

What kind of voice does contempt sound like?

Common vocal signals of contempt are smug or disapproving sounds/tone of voice. Considering people have a variety of reactions to feeling contempt, the sensations associated with the feeling can be quite different depending on the situation.

What are some examples of people feeling contempt?

In that way, sometimes people in “subordinate” positions may feel contempt towards those who have a higher social, political or legal ranking. Some examples include the potential contempt teenagers may feel towards adults, workers for their bosses, or prisoners for their guards.

How did Paul Ekman come up with the concept of contempt?

Dr. Ekman’s original list of universal emotions, discovered during his groundbreaking research in New Guinea in the 1960s, didn’t include contempt but he later added it after his continued cross-cultural research. The basic notion of contempt is: “I’m better than you and you are lesser than me.”