Useful tips

How much does a PTA make in San Antonio?

How much does a PTA make in San Antonio?

Physical therapy assistants in San Antonio make an average salary of $66,220. The average hourly wage for PTAs in San Antonio is $31.84. For people in the 90th percentile, PTA salaries can reach as high as $117,700 or more.

How much does a PTA degree cost?

Estimated Costs Per Semester for Physical Therapist Assistant Program

Expense Cost
Tuition $5,624 ($76 per credit)
Textbooks $1,400 per program

How many accredited PTA programs exist in Texas?

There are 29 fully accredited PTA programs in Texas available in schools and colleges throughout the state including Houston (4), Dallas (2), San Antonio (2) and Austin (1) – each offering an Associate Degree in Applied Science.

What colleges offer physical therapy programs?

A number of schools across the U.S. offer accredited graduate programs in physical therapy, including: New York University. Winston-Salem State University. Emory University School of Medicine . University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. University of Illinois at Chicago. Franklin Pierce University .

What are the best physical therapy programs?

Most sites just used some variation of the US News & World Report, which usually ranks the top ten physical therapy programs in this order: University of Southern California (USC) University of Delaware Washington University in St. Louis University of Pittsburgh University of Iowa U.S. Army-Baylor University Emory University MGH Institute in Boston

What are the best physical therapy schools in California?

The top-ranked school in California with a physical therapy program is University of Southern California, which is located in Los Angeles.

What is Concorde therapy group?

CONCORDE THERAPY GROUP is a multidisciplinary, therapist-owned, private rehabilitation practice with the goal of providing high quality, cost-effective care in convenient outpatient settings.