Useful tips

How far is the pitchers mound from home plate in ASA softball?

How far is the pitchers mound from home plate in ASA softball?

43 feet
Home to front of pitching rubber — In high school and college softball, the distance from home plate to the front of the pitching rubber in the middle of the pitcher’s mound is 43 feet exactly. The pitching rubber itself is a white slab that is 24 inches long by 6 inches wide.

Can you lead off in ASA softball?

While leading off is not allowed in fastpitch softball, players are permitted to steal bases, provided they do not leave the base before the pitcher has released the ball.

What is the run rule in slow pitch softball?

Games will consist of 7 innings, or a 50 minute time limit (whichever comes first). After 5 complete innings, a mercy rule of 10 runs will come into effect. No new innings should begin after 45 minutes.

What are the rules for the ASA state championships?

Federation State Championships will consist of one (1) round of thirty (30) individual McKenzie 3-D targets. The tournament will be conducted over a two-day period; however individual competitors will be allowed to complete their competition in one day. This is to allow the maximum number of competitors the opportunity to compete.

Do you run the bases after a slow pitch home run?

There is no need to run the bases after an over-the-fence home run in men’s major slow-pitch divisions. To prevent a loss of balls and game delays, ASA limits the number of home runs hit over the fence during regular men’s and Master slow pitch games.

Can a host club protest at an ASA tournament?

The ASA office will not make decisions concerning protests or club competition committee actions during tournaments. It is the host club’s responsibility to convene a competition committee within the time limits allowed in the ASA Pro/Am Rules and decide upon those issues in a timely manner.

How many competitors do you need to qualify for ASA?

Classes must average at least 3 paying competitors per Qualifier to participate. If a Qualifier has combined individual class scores the scores must be separated and rank ordered for SOY placement calculations. The ASA will provide Shooter of the Year awards at the State Championship.