How do you get the Geth and Quarians to work together?
How do you get the Geth and Quarians to work together?
To save both the geth and quarians, do not sell Legion off to Cerberus. Like Tali, Legion is an essential figure to formulating peace between the two species. Not having him around ruins the chance for peace and the chance to see one of the series best companions.
How do I get the Geth peace and Quarians?
To achieve peace, Shepard must reach between 5 and 7 points. If they have four points or below, they will be forced to take a side. The requirements and their associated points include: Shepard must have completed Tali’s Loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, and Tali must not have been exiled from the Migrant Fleet.
How many Quarians died in the morning war?
Functionally, 999 out of every 1000 quarians died in the morning war. Council policy on A.I.s may have the blunt of the spark of the conflict, but, still, the quarians got genocided. The geth may had been innocent at the start of the conflict, but they have more blood in their hands than the quarians.
Why did the Quarians create the Geth?
Wiki Targeted (Games) The geth were created by the quarians as laborers and tools of war. When the geth became sentient and began to question their masters, the quarians attempted to exterminate them. The geth won the resulting war, and reduced the quarians to a race of nomads.
Is there a way to save both Geth and quarians?
There are certain things that must be done with these two in order for there to be peace between both species.
How did Shepard save the geth and quarians?
With Shepard speaking on both Tali and Koris’ authority as admirals, Shepard will succeed in convincing Admiral Gerrel to back down from his assault. This finally achieves peace and saves the geth and quarians after so much death for both sides. Though it comes at the cost of Legion sacrificing himself.
How many points do you need for peace between Geth and quarians?
Geth vs. Quarians In order to achieve peace between the two races, you need to get 5 to 7 points. These points are based on your ME2 and ME3 decisions. If you have 4 points or below, you cannot achieve peace.
How did Legion save the geth and quarians?
This finally achieves peace and saves the geth and quarians after so much death for both sides. Though it comes at the cost of Legion sacrificing himself. It also enables both quarian and geth assets to be used against the Reapers when launching the assault on Earth.