Useful tips

How do I relink media in Avid?

How do I relink media in Avid?

Right click your sequence and select “relink…” A new window will appear. Be sure to match these settings exactly. If you’ve done this correctly, Avid will make a new copy of your sequence using the proxy media labeled ‘relinked.

How do I unlink media in Avid?

  1. PC:
  2. Hold Ctl + Shift.
  3. With those buttons held, Right-Click on the clip and select Unlink.
  4. Mac:
  5. Hit Shift + Command. .
  6. Click the Clip Menu on the top menu of your Avid Editor.
  7. The clip menu will expand, and the option of Unlink should appear (as opposed to Relink)

Why is my media offline in Avid?

You have deleted the associated media file for that clip or sequence. Go into Windows Explorer and see if the media drive contains a folder called “OMFI Media Files”. This folder needs to be named “OMFI Media Files” (without the “”). If it gets deleted or renamed, Avid Xpress will not be able to see the media files.

How does link media work in Avid Media Composer?

Link Media. Linking to source media allows us to take advantage of AMA (Avid Media Access), which links the file-based media directly into a bin through a plug-in, leaving it in place on the hard drive and maintaining all file and folder structures. Import Media.

Where does MXF file go in Avid Media Composer?

Importing source media creates new MXF files that are placed and managed within the Avid MediaFiles folder, on whichever drive you’ve specified in your Import Settings, and does not maintain original file and folder structures.

How do I import media into an avid project?

There are two ways to bring media into an Avid project: Link Media. Linking to source media allows us to take advantage of AMA (Avid Media Access), which links the file-based media directly into a bin through a plug-in, leaving it in place on the hard drive and maintaining all file and folder structures. Import Media.

How to create a folder structure for Avid Media?

Instead of making the Avid media folder structure yourself, import something small like a jpeg to force Avid to create the folder structure and database files. Exit MC and then put your individual media files into the 1 folder. I have created a folder structure of AvidMediaFiles/MXF/1 and moved the AvidMediaFiles into this.