Useful tips

How do I fix Tobii eye tracker?

How do I fix Tobii eye tracker?

[FIXED] Functionality issues with software version Tobii Core…

  1. Go to Programs and find the Tobii Eye Tracking software and uninstall.
  2. Unplug your eye tracker.
  3. Then install the Tobii Eye Tracking Core software 2.16 once again.
  4. Then plug in your eye tracker.

How do you reset tobii DynaVox?

Factory Reset on an I-Series

  1. Open the yellow folder icon on your taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Select This PC on the left.
  3. On the right double click on “OS Disk C” or “Local Disk C”
  4. Double Click on Program Files (x86)
  5. Double click on Tobii Dynavox.
  6. Double Click on Factory Reset Tool.

How do you calibrate tobii DynaVox?

To do this:

  1. In Gaze Interaction Settings choose the Calibration section and select the Settings… button.
  2. Select the Change… button next to Calibration area.
  3. The screen with turn an opaque blue.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Choose Apply.
  6. Try calibrating again.

How much is a Tobii DynaVox eye gaze?

Now, thanks to innovation in the fields of gaming and virtual reality (inspired by potential profit with two huge consumer bases), eye gaze is not only getting better, it’s getting more affordable! Priced at $150, the Tobii 4C is the first affordable eye-tracking system.

How big is the screen on the Tobii Dynavox I?

The Tobii Dynavox I-Series device is available in two different sizes: the Tobii Dynavox I–13 with a 13.3″ screen and the To- bii Dynavox I–16 with a 15.6″ screen. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series is a Eye Gaze device but can be ordered without the Eye Gaze function.

Can a person with Rett use the Tobii Dynavox I-12 +?

For individuals with Cerebral Palsy, Rett, ALS or Stroke/Aphasia who rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to make their voices heard, the Tobii Dynavox I-12+ allows for a more independent and integrated life.

What to do with the DynaVox I series?

Place your device on a table at your preferred angle. Stay connected all day to communicate on the go. Enjoy extra protection with a soft-sided travel bag. Attach your device to a ConnectIT wheelchair mount or stand. Customize your device with these additional accessories. A grid plate that attaches to your I-Series for improved access.

What does the I series eye tracker do?

I-Series is the lightest, fastest, most durable speech generating device available, featuring the world’s leading eye tracker. It’s designed for people with conditions such as cerebral palsy, ALS, Rett syndrome, aphasia or spinal cord injury to gain access to Windows, communicate, and control their home environment — with just their eyes.