Useful tips

How do I convert a Word document to PDF on my phone?

How do I convert a Word document to PDF on my phone?

  1. Open the file that you want to save as a PDF.
  2. Then tap File on your tablet or tap the File icon on your phone.
  3. On the File tab, tap Print.
  4. If not already selected, tap Save as PDF on the drop-down list and then tap Save.
  5. Now tap on Save.
  6. Choose a location for your PDF, enter a new name (optional), and then tap Save.

Which app is best for converting Word to PDF?

Top 5 Apps to Convert Word to PDF on Android Phones and Tablets

  • More and more people are using mobile devices to process digital documents.
  • #1: PDFelelemnt for Android (or PDFelement for iOS)
  • #2: Word to PDF Converter & PDF Creator Online.
  • #3: All Files Converter.
  • #4: PDF Converter.
  • #5: Doc to PDF Converter.

How do I open a PDF file on an Android phone?

Navigate to the folder where the PDF file/s is saved on your Android device. Tap on the file. PDF Reader will open up the PDF file. You can also open the PDF file after launching the PDF Reader app manually. Under the SCAN tab, find the PDF file/s stored on your Android device.

How to read PDF files in Android?

3 Methods to open PDF on Android Phone Method 1: Read from your Cloud Storage account. Step 1: Search PDFelement on Google Play Store and Tap “Install”. Method 2: Open PDF from Mail app or from a website. Step 1: Download PDF reader app PDFelement first. Method 3: Transfer your PDF from computer to mobile via USB.

Why can’t I open a PDF?

Right-click (Windows) or control-click (Mac OS) the link to the PDF file.

  • Choose the appropriate save or download option for your browser: (Google Chrome)
  • and double-click the
  • Is it possible to read .so file in Android?

    You can’t really “read” file; it’s a compiled binary that contains machine code. It’s not really possible to edit it. You can list the symbols in it though, for example: android-ndk-r6b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-nm./path/to/