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How are bacteria classified based on flagella?

How are bacteria classified based on flagella?

On the basis of flagella the bacteria can be classified: – i) Atrichos: – These bacteria has no flagella. ii) Monotrichous: – One flagellum is attached to one end of the bacteria cell. Example: – Vibro cholera. iii) Lophotrichous: – Bunch of flagella is attached to one end of the bacteria cell.

How many types of bacteria are classified based on flagella?

Flagella are attached to cells in different places. As the number and location of flagella are distinctive for each genus, it can be used in the classification of bacteria. There are four types of flagellar arrangement. Monotrichous (Mono means one): Single polar flagellum e.g. Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter spp.

What is the classification of bacteria based on?

Classification seeks to describe the diversity of bacterial species by naming and grouping organisms based on similarities. Bacteria can be classified on the basis of cell structure, cellular metabolism or on differences in cell components, such as DNA, fatty acids, pigments, antigens and quinones.

What are the 3 classifications of bacteria?

There are three basic bacterial shapes: Round bacteria called cocci (singular: coccus), cylindrical, capsule-shaped ones known as bacilli (singular: bacillus); and spiral bacteria, aptly called spirilla (singular: spirillum).

What is another name for flagella?

a long, lashlike appendage serving as an organ of locomotion in protozoa, sperm cells, etc. Botany. a runner. Also called clavola.

What are the four main types of flagellar arrangement?

Based on their arrangement, bacteria are classified into four groups: monotrichous (having one flagellum), amphitrichous (single flagellum at both ends), lophotrichous (numerous flagella as a tuft), and peritrichous (flagella distributed all over the cell except at the poles).

What is the basis of classification of bacteria into gram positive and gram negative?

Depending on the characteristic being studied, bacterial species may be broken down into broad groups, but taken together this information can narrow the possible identities greatly. One such useful classification – if a bacterium is Gram positive or Gram negative – is based on the structure of bacterial cell walls.

What are 2 types of bacteria that make us ill?

Infectious bacteria (those that do make you sick) slip into your body and live among your healthy cells. Many emit chemicals called toxins, which can damage tissue. Streptococcus (strep), Staphylococcus (staph) and E. coli are some of the more commonly known bacteria that can cause infections.

How are bacteria classified on the basis of flagella?

On the basis of flagella the bacteria can be classified as: 1 Atrichos: – These bacteria has 2 Monotrichous: – One flagellum 3 Lophotrichous: – Bunch of flag 4 Amphitrichous: – Bunch of flag 5 Peritrichous : – The flagella

How are bacteria classified according to their morphology?

Bacteria can be classified according to morphological characteristics like their cell shape, size and structure and their specific arrangement like motility and flagellar arrangement. Bacteria can be classified into six major groups on morphological basis. 1. TRUE BACTERIA Cocci – These are spherical or oval cells.

How is the classification of bacteria used in medicine?

The bacterial classification is one of the key factors to tackle them in disease. The classification is done based on factors like their shape, nutrition requirement, cell wall staining, the cell appendages etc. Of these bacteria, those harmful and useful to humans are widely studied in medicine and pharmacy.

What are the different types of flagellar arrangement?

There are four types of flagellar arrangement. Monotrichous (Mono means one): Single polar flagellum e.g. Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter spp. (polar flagella often in pairs to give a “seagull” appearance). Amphitrichous: Single flagellum at both ends e.g. Alcaligenes faecalis (note: amphibians live both on land and in water).