Do you need a digital signature for Elster?
Do you need a digital signature for Elster?
After you have successfully activated your account, a digital signature ( Zertifikatsdatei) will be automatically generated for you. Download this and keep it somewhere safe on your computer (it may also be worth saving it on a USB stick, as you will need it every time you want to log in to ELSTER).
How can I use Elster for my tax return?
There the tax administration offers an easy online-registration, free online hand-out of electronic certificates (certified by the own ELSTER-trustcenter), online tax forms (e.g. VAT, wages tax return), inbox for messages, user-profiles for master data and a task-management.
How many German companies use the Elster system?
Nearly 90% of all German companies use ELSTER, while around 20% of the private individuals use it for their income tax returns. The popularity within the group of private individuals is rising steadily (doubles every year), reaching 20% in 2005.
What is the new function of Elster online registration?
Therefore ELSTER implemented a new function for online-registration and -authentication to identify the transmitter without using expensive and complicated digital signatures. The new authentication is user-friendly, simple and does not cause any costs for the user – the ElsterOnline-Portal.
Where do I Find my tax forms on Elster?
Once you have logged in to ELSTER using your Zertifikatsdatei and password, you are taken to your “ Mein ELSTER ” (My ELSTER) homepage where you can see which tax return forms you are required to submit (if you are obliged to complete an income tax return).
How to set up an account with Elster?
Before you can use ELSTER to submit your annual tax return, you need to register for a free account. To do this, visit the ELSTER website and click the button that says “ Benutzerkonto erstellen ” (create an account).
How long does it take to receive an Elster activation code?
You will receive an email with an activation code in it. Keep this safe while you wait for another activation code to be sent to the address where you are registered. It will arrive in the post within 14 days. Once you have it, open your activation email and click the link to be taken back to the ELSTER website.