Useful tips

Do I go to the emergency room or labor and delivery?

Do I go to the emergency room or labor and delivery?

Under federal law, labor is considered a medical emergency. Any hospital that accepts payments from federal programs such as Medicare or Medicaid is required to take care of patients who are in labor when they come to the ER, regardless of their ability to pay for that care.

Can you have your baby at a different hospital?

A doctor has to have active—or admitting—privileges at a hospital. An ob-gyn can’t just deliver babies at any hospital you choose, though some have admitting privileges at multiple facilities. Your insurance will dictate the doctors it will cover and, by doing so, what hospitals are available to you as a patient.

How many babies are delivered at Children’s Memorial Hermann hospital each year?

Over 5,200 babies are delivered at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital each year. Private, state-of-the art labor and delivery suites feature superior clinical equipment, in addition to amenities for your convenience and comfort. The staff is trained to care for all childbirth needs, including high-risk obstetrics.

When should you tour the hospital when pregnant?

A good time to take a hospital tour is at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, in month 7. More specifically, you could take the tour between weeks 30 and 34 of pregnancy.

When to go into labor at Memorial City Hospital?

Offering exceptional clinical care for high-risk newborns as early as 23 weeks’ gestation, the multidisciplinary team combines their expertise to provide optimal care for each baby and each family.

Is there a Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston?

Women’s Memorial Hermann at Memorial City Medical Center is an extraordinary facility designed to serve the unique healthcare needs of women and babies in a caring, compassionate environment. We offer the most advanced, family-centered obstetrical care available in the west Houston, Cy-Fair and Katy areas.

Is there a birthing center in OKC Mercy?

Mercy Birthplace in OKC provides family-centered maternity, labor & delivery services that address the needs of mothers, babies & their families. Click to learn more about our birthing center.

When to go to the hospital for labor and delivery?

After your COVID-19 test, pregnant patients are advised to stay home (self-quarantine) and avoid visitors for 48 hours prior to their scheduled induction or C-section. For pregnant patients who begin labor before being tested, tests will be available in the Labor and Delivery units of the hospital.