Useful tips

Can cichlids and Gouramis live together?

Can cichlids and Gouramis live together?

Depends. Some of the small dwarf cichlids from South America might work with certain gourami species. Generally it is not recommended, as the gourami and cichlid males are territorial and aggressive.

Are Gouramis good with cichlids?

Depends on the Cichlids and the size tank. Larger and/or more aggressive Cichlids are likely to tear up Gourami if they feel like it. Angels and Gourami can be a bad combination as the Gourami have tendencies to nip the Angels fins.

What fish can go with jewel cichlids?

Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates Some aquarists have had fantastic luck with keeping Jewel cichlids in community tanks. They have paired them with African cichlids, and even some varying kinds of tetras.

Can jewel cichlid go in community tank?

Jewel cichlids can be a little bit difficult to care for, especially in the community tank, because some species have aggressive tendencies. These cichlids can be very territorial so you need to be careful about keeping them in a tank large enough that they can establish their own territory.

Can a jewel cichlid breed with any other fish?

Jewel cichlid is a monogamous fish, so once it has chosen its mate, the fish will breed only with it. The problem is to find a female (it’s difficult to be distinguished from a male) and the one that will suit the male, otherwise they will kill each other. These cichlids are very aggressive to each other if their mate doesn’t suit them.

Is the red jewel cichlid aggressive to guppies?

Of course, red jewel cichlid is aggressive if it is kept together with guppies and danio. But in case when turquoise jewel cichlid has tank mates of corresponding size and temper it’s no way a troublesome fish.

Where do red jewel cichlids live in Africa?

Red jewel cichlid inhabits in West Africa from South Guinea to central Liberia and can be seen mainly in the rivers where it swims in the middle and bottom waters. The fish feeds on juveniles, small fish, insects and spineless species.

What do you need to know about gourami fish?

It is a type of fish that many experienced breeders recommend to breed for beginners. A significant variety of Gourami allows you to create any color scheme in your aquarium to your taste. The motherland of the Gourami fish family is considered to be the reservoirs of Southeast Asia.