Users' questions

Who created the Clarence River?

Who created the Clarence River?

Known for many years as the Big River, it was crossed by escaping convicts in the 1820s, but credit for its discovery is generally given to Richard Craig (1831).

Is the Clarence River saltwater or freshwater?

The freshwater reaches of the Clarence River support important populations of native freshwater fish including Eastern freshwater cod, an endangered fish species unique to the Clarence River system, and Australian bass.

Does the Clarence River flow backwards?

The creation of the Tasman Sea The Clarence and the Condamine became two rivers with a mountain range between them. The Condamine and all its tributaries still flowed to the north-west, but the Clarence River flowed backwards, south-east to the new Tasman Sea.

Where is the Clarence River NZ?

eastern South Island
Clarence River, river in eastern South Island, New Zealand. Rising on the eastern slopes of the Spenser Mountains, it flows south, then northeast between the Inland and Seaward Kaikōura ranges.

Are there bull sharks in the Clarence River?

Inland shark fishing To find out, we spoke to locals with first-hand experience of reeling in the big one. In fact, bull sharks can be found in such substantial numbers, they sustain a commercial fishing operation in the Clarence River during the months of October through to January.

Why is the Clarence River bridge so high?

Its aligned piers and height reflect the height of the existing bridge’s lift bridge. It provides safer, smoother travel for motorists and eliminates the need for motorists to stop while the existing bridge is raised for maritime users.

What is the deepest river in Australia?

Murray River
Murray River

Murray River (Millewa / Tongala)
The course of the Murray River (click to enlarge)
Country Australia
State New South Wales, South Australia Victoria

What grade is the Clarence River?

although the river grade is not high ,2-3 grade rapids ,it was fun and at times exciting. silt clouded the lower river make it difficult to fish, however deer ,pigs and goats were plentiful.

What fish are in the Clarence River?

One of the most well known Yamba fishing locations is on and along the mighty Clarence River – home to Blackfish, Jew, Flathead, Groper, Snapper and much more. Being one of the largest mainland rivers in Australia, tourists not only love a good fish but can also enjoy boating and kayaking.

Are there sharks in the Hunter River?

The local said it was common to catch sharks in the Hunter and Paterson Rivers and had seen some up to 10 feet long, whether the rivers were fresh or a bit salty.

Are there sharks in the Karuah River?

It’s easy to understand why there’s sharks about in the Karuah area. There is a lot of baitfish about as well as herring, mullet and squid, and anglers have been cashing in around the usual haunts – under both bridges and off the jetty.

Where does the Clarence River start and end?

See Article History. Clarence River, coastal river, northeastern New South Wales, Australia, rising in the McPherson Range near the Queensland border, flowing south and northeast for 245 mi (394 km), and emptying into the Pacific 40 mi below Grafton. Its chief tributaries are the Timbarra, Mitchell, and Orara.

Is the Clarence River the largest river in Australia?

The Clarence River system is an extensive east coast drainage with many tributaries of differing size. Apart from the Murray River, it is the largest river in mainland Australia south of the Tropic of Capricorn, though its flow for comparison is only half that of the Potomac.

Who was the first person to cross the Clarence River?

The Clarence is navigable by small steamers as far as Grafton and by smaller craft 35 mi farther upstream. Known for many years as the Big River, it was crossed by escaping convicts in the 1820s, but credit for its discovery is generally given to Richard Craig (1831).

When did Clarence River newspaper become a daily?

It had served the community in the printed version since 1859. Firstly as a weekly, then bi-weekly and tri-weekly until 1915, when it became a daily. Delving into the issues available at the National Library of Australia Historical Newspapers website we can go “down memory lane.”