Users' questions

Where can I find more information about Sogo?

Where can I find more information about Sogo?

SOGo is developed by a community of developers located mainly in North America and Europe. More information can be found at 2.1. Architecture and Compatibility Standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV, HTTP, IMAP and SMTP are used to communicate with the SOGo platform or its sub-components.

Do you need a GPG key for Sogo?

Any non-URL safe characters in username/password must be URL-encoded. For example, if your password is so%go, you must set the value in your configuration file to so%25go – where % is encoded to %25 . Inverse signs its RPM packages with its GPG key.

What makes 1.4980 stainless steel so strong?

It is considered as an iron-based superalloy due to its high strength and resistance to corrosion at high temperatures. 1.4980 is a chromium-nickel stainless steel alloy, a composition that defines its high mechanical and fatigue strength.

What kind of protocols are used in Sogo?

Standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV, HTTP, IMAP and SMTP are used to communicate with the SOGo platform or its sub-components. Mobile devices supporting the Microsoft ActiveSync protocol are also supported. To install and configure the Outlook CalDav Synchronizer, please refer to the Outlook Connector Configuration Guide.

Can you stay at Hotel Sogo during GCQ?

In this time of GCQ, our hotel operations can accommodate long stay bookings, OFWs, medical frontliners, essential workers, and fellow Filipinos who are stranded. Just present your company ID or any valid ID upon checking in. We do hope that you always choose Hotel Sogo, to have a So Clean…So Good…and So Safe stay!

How to install PostgreSQL and Oracle in Sogo?

You need to install sope49-gdl1-postgresql for the PostgreSQL database system, sope49-gdl1-mysql for MySQL or sope49-gdl1-oracle for Oracle. The installation command will thus look like this: