Users' questions

What usually comes after the falling action?

What usually comes after the falling action?

Events immediately following the climax – a kind of “cleaning up.” Resolution is the part of the story’s plot line in which the problem of the story is resolved or worked out. This occurs after the falling action and is typically where the story ends.

What are the 5 stages of drama?

A drama is then divided into five parts, or acts, which some refer to as a dramatic arc: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and catastrophe.

What is a good sentence for falling action?

The falling action takes the form of a discussion between Nora and Torvald once she recognizes her true place in her home. In their sequence they provide rising and falling action, with the narrative’s intensity rising to a climax, and ending with falling action.

What does the falling action reveal?

Falling action refers to the events that follow the climax of a story. While rising action builds tension throughout the story, falling action decreases that tension. It leads to the character’s ultimate resolution.

What happens at the end of a falling action?

Similarly, sometimes the antagonist is defeated during the story’s falling action rather than its climax. The falling action ends with a resolution. The end of the falling action is marked by the resolution of the story’s main conflict.

What’s the difference between a climax and falling action?

Conflict – A struggle between opposing forces; the driving force of a story. Climax Falling Action – The turning point in the story. Falling Action – The conflict unravels with the main charactor either winning or losing and loose ends are tied up paper writer. Resolution (Denouement) – The conclusion of the story; how the conflict is resolved

What’s the difference between falling action and rising action?

Falling action is often confused for dénouement, the final part of the story. They’re similar, but not the same. We’ll explain the key differences in this entry. The opposite of falling action is rising action, which occurs before the climax and in which the story’s main conflict unfolds and tension builds.

What’s the difference between an epilogue and a falling action?

Whereas the falling action results in the resolution of the major plot point, the dénouement resolves issues or conflicts that are of a secondary nature to the main issue of the story. Like an epilogue, the dénouement may also show how the events of the story fit into the broader scheme of history or the lives of those involved.