Users' questions

What is USP water testing?

What is USP water testing?

USP water testing is designed to determine water purity, the absence of objectionable organisms, and their resulting endotoxins. The testing required for each water type depends primarily upon its intended usage.

What are the different methods of preparing purified water USP?

Purified water is typically prepared by ion exchange, reverse osmosis or a combination of the two treatment processes. Purified water is intended for use as an ingredient in the preparation of compedial dosage forms. It contains no added substances, and is not intended for use in parenteral products.

What is USP grade purified water?

… ST is sterile purified water for use in dilution of sterile disinfectants, manufacturing, general laboratory and cleanroom applications. Purified water is filtered to 0.2µm, irradiated to a SAL 10-6 and tested for sterility and endotoxin using current USP method.

How do you test purified water?

The purity of water can be tested by evaporating it (to dryness) on an evaporating dish or by measuring its boiling point.

What does USP stand for in water testing?

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) provides quality standards and test methodologies to be employed in the testing of water that is used in pharmaceutical-related activities.

What is the procedure for purified water testing?

Procedure- To the cylinder containing the standard solution add 2.0 ml of the test solution and mix.

What do you need to know about pharmaceutical water testing?

USP General Chapter <1231> entitled “Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes” indicates testing methods that are adapted from USP <61> entitled “Tests for Microbial Enumeration” and USP <62> “Test for Specific Organisms” are suitable for monitoring the quality of Pharmaceutical Water.

Do you need WFI for USP water testing?

WFI is required to meet the same specifications outlined for USP Purified Water in addition to specific bacterial endotoxin requirements.