Users' questions

What is the verb to have in Italian?

What is the verb to have in Italian?

Verb: avere (to have)

What is the conjugation of the verb to have?

Conjugation of verb To have

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have. I do not have. Do I have?
You have. You do not have. Do you have?
He/She/It has. He/She/It does not have. Does he/she/it have?
We have. We do not have. Do we have?

What tense is Avessi in Italian?


che io avessi
che tu avessi
che lui, lei, Lei avesse
che noi avessimo
che voi aveste

How many conjugations are there in Italian?

The Italian verbs have 21 tenses, divided in two classes: simple tenses (one word in the active form, two words in the passive form) or compound tenses (two words in the active form, three words in the passive form).

What are some Italian verbs?

As in English, Italian verbs are conjugated by person: Io ( prima persona singolare, or first person singular, I) Tu ( seconda persona singolare, or second person singular, you) Lui/lei ( terza persona singolare, or third person singular, he/she/it) Noi ( prima persona plurale, or first person plural, we) Voi ( seconda persona plurale, or second person plural, you all)

Are verbs in Italian?

essere – “to be”. Example: Sei di nuovo in ritardo!

  • avere – “to have”. Example: Hai voglia di un aperitivo?
  • to make”. Example: Mi fai un piacere?
  • per favore?
  • potere – “can”.
  • volere – “to want”.
  • sapere – “to know”.
  • stare – “to be”.
  • to have to”.
  • vedere – “to see”.
  • What is the conjugation of the Italian verb ‘pranzare’?

    Pranzare is a regular first-conjugation Italian intransitive verb, which means it does not take a direct object. Pranzare is conjugated using the auxiliary verb avere.

    What is the Italian verb fare Mean?

    The verb ‘fare’ literally translates as ‘to do’ or ‘to make’, but depending on the context it can also mean ‘to have’, ‘to take’, ‘to go’, ‘to be’, ‘to let’. It is one of the most commonly used verbs in Italian. It is an irregular verb and in the present tense it is conjugated: Io faccio. Tu fai. Lui / Lei fa. Noi facciamo