Users' questions

What is the step size for a 10 bit ADC with a VREF of 5V?

What is the step size for a 10 bit ADC with a VREF of 5V?

For the 10-bit ADC, if the Vref = 5V, then the step size is 4.88 mV as shown in Table 11.1.

What is step size in ADC?

Step Size. The step size is the voltage difference between one digital level (i.e. 0001) and the next one (i.e. 0010 or 0000). For example if an ADC has a step size of 1 Volt an input of 1 volt will produce an output, in a 4 bit converter, of 0001. 5 volts will reduce the distortion but lower the maximum input reading.

What is the formula for calculating step size in ADC?

The step size of a 10 bits ADC is Uref/1023 , not Uref/1024 !!

How to calculate the step size of an ADC?

To calculate it, we can use the formula: Step size=Vmax-Vmin/2 n (where n is the number of bits (resolution) of an ADC) The step size of an ADC is inversely proportional to the number of bits of an ADC. So using an ADC with higher bits can detect smaller changes, but this increases the cost of production.

Which is the largest number in a 10 bit ADC?

The largest number than can be expressed in 10-bits is 1111111111 or 1,023, and if we include 0 as a step, the total number of individual states is equal to 1024 (210). Therefore, a 10-bit ADC has 1024 discrete voltage steps that it can measure!

How is step size related to bit resolution?

The concept of step size is closely associated with the resolution of ADC. The resolution of an ADC refers to the number of bits in the digital output code of the ADC. The relation between step size, resolution, and input range can be given by:

How to convert an ADC code to a voltage?

where FSR is the full-scale input range of the ADC (in volts) proportional to the reference voltage and N is the number of bits in the ADC output code. 2N equals the total number of ADC codes. The LSB size is equal to the full-scale input range (FSR) divided by the total number of ADC codes.