Users' questions

What is the opposite word of badly?

What is the opposite word of badly?

What is the opposite of badly?

well satisfactorily
suitably tolerably
convincingly okay
properly alright
middlingly respectably

What is the adverb of badly?

The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns. Badly, like most words ending in -ly, is an adverb and is used to modify verbs. So it would be appropriate to use an adverb ending in -ly to describe how she has done . . . and unfortunately for Amanda, it is badly.

What is opposite adverb?

adverb. /ˈɒpəzɪt/ /ˈɑːpəzɪt/ ​on the other side of a particular area from somebody/something and usually facing them.

What is the opposite of badly behaved?

What is the opposite of badly-behaved?

easy compliant
amenable biddable
docile flexible
obedient tractable
willing mannerly

Which is the closest synonym for the word badly?

Near Antonyms for badly. appropriately, congruously, correctly, decently, decorously, felicitously, fittingly, meetly,

Which is the opposite of the word ” bad “?

“Tim was an obedient boy who always did as he was told.” “The milk is only a day old and is still fresh .” “He was involved in a mild car accident and escaped with only a few scratches.” “He received the pleasant news that he would soon be promoted.” “I can return to work today because I am feeling well again.”

What’s the opposite of an adverb in a sentence?

“The king was a virtuous and benevolent man who was well-loved by the people.” Opposite of adverb for engaging in childish misbehavior “Tim was an obedient boy who always did as he was told.” “The milk is only a day old and is still fresh .” “He was involved in a mild car accident and escaped with only a few scratches.”

Which is the opposite of the word opposite?

Here’s a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. “As always, the highest placed team will go to the Bahamas this year.” Opposite of the most serious or unpleasant thing that could happen “Nigel started strongly, but he would eventually lose to his bigger and stronger opponent.” “He played the saxophone real good .”