Users' questions

What is seed germination test?

What is seed germination test?

What is a germination test? A germination test determines the percentage of seeds that are alive in any seed lot. While the speed of germination varies slightly across varieties, seeds should absorb moisture within two days and produce a root and the first leaf within four days.

What is the purpose of a germination test?

A seed germination test will give growers a good idea of what will germinate in the field. If the test determines that is a low germination percentage, throw the seeds away and purchase more. Doing the germination test early in the year will give more time to purchase seeds.

When should I test my seeds for germination?

Begin checking for germination at the start of the germination window and check daily until the last date they’re expected to germinate. Count your sprouted seeds. If seven out of the ten have sprouted, hurray! You have a very respectable 70% germination rate.

How do you test for grain germination?

Count the seeds that have shoots longer than 1½ inches and at least one strong root. These represent viable seeds in the germination rate. Divide the viable seeds by the total number of seeds and multiply by 100 to determine the germination percentage.

What are the rules for germination in ista?

The Rules are a useful reference guide to germination conditions and methods for over 1,000 species. The ISTA Rules are voted, amended and approved annually at the Ordinary General Meeting after considering the Technical Committees recommendations. The ISTA Rules PDFs contain the full text in English, French, German and Spanish.

What does ISTA stand for in seed testing?

ISTA members work together to achieve their vision of ‘Uniformity in seed quality evaluation worldwide’.

What are the rules for seed germination testing?

ISTA members are involved in the ongoing process of developing methods for seed sampling and testing. The methods are validated to ensure that test procedures provide reliable and reproducible results. Since 2001, ISTA Rules have been issued annually. ISTA accredited laboratories have to work according to valid ISTA Rules.

What can affect the performance of a germination test?

Factors that can affect the performance of seed in germination tests include; diseased seed, old seed, mechanically damaged seed, seed stored under high moisture, and excessive heating of seed during storage or drying. In most cases a seed treatment will improve germination of seed only if the poor quality is due to seed-borne disease.