Users' questions

What is IEC 61511 standard?

What is IEC 61511 standard?

IEC standard 61511 is a technical standard which sets out practices in the engineering of systems that ensure the safety of an industrial process through the use of instrumentation. The title of the standard is “Functional safety – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector”.

What is the latest edition of IEC 61511?

The latest edition 2 of IEC 61511 has now aligned the requirements of IEC 61508:2010 Part 2 Route 2H with those of IEC 61511 which makes perfect sense given that IEC 61511 is predominantly used by end users who will have access to proven in use data for the SIS.

Which testing is mandatory within IEC 61511?

The “Factory Acceptance Tests” (FAT) are carried out at the factory, and the “Site Acceptance Tests” (SAT) in the plant. These two tests, depending on how they were performed, can be considered as part of the final Validation of the SIS.

What is the purpose of IEC 61508?

IEC 61508 allows for the development of a uniform technical policy that can be applied for all safety systems that are electrically-based. It is a horizontal standard applicable across a wide range of industry sectors. The standard requires the analysis of the potential risks or hazards of a given system or device.

What is the difference between IEC 61508 and ISO 26262?

ISO 26262 uses a very specific Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA) that is built into the standard. However, IEC 61508 allows more flexibility for their Hazard and Risk Analysis in which various techniques can be used to evaluate hazards, including techniques common in the ISO 12100 standard.

What is iec61511 standard for functional safety?

IEC 61508 Standard 61508 deals with the entire safety lifecycle of safety systems, from cradle to grave. It targets suppliers of safety systems, but is also applicable to some degree to suppliers of equipment used in those safety systems.

What is sis proof test?

The proof testing of SIS is an integral component of the management of functional safety. Its purpose is to confirm the continued operation of the required safety instrumented function and to contribute to the maintenance of the required safety integrity level of the safety function.

What are functional safety requirements?

The functional safety concept contains the functional safety requirements (FSRs) that are derived from the safety goals and describe the measures that are to be implemented on a functional level to prevent violation of the safety goals.

Why is SIL needed?

SIL certification is a tool to measure the amount of risk reduction provided by a Safety Instrumented Function. It assesses the tolerable/acceptable failure rate of an individual device. The SIL level number is based on the amount of risk reduction needed to maintain an acceptable rate of failure.

Is IEC a 61508?

​IEC 61508 is the international standard for electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety related systems. It sets out the requirements for ensuring that systems are designed, implemented, operated and maintained to provide the required safety integrity level (SIL).

Are IEC standards mandatory?

IEC International Standards are always used by technical experts; they are always voluntary and based on the international consensus of experts from many countries. International standards also form the basis for testing and certification.