Users' questions

What did Plato say about poets?

What did Plato say about poets?

As a moralist, Plato disapproves of poetry because it is immoral, as a philosopher he disapproves of it because it is based in falsehood. He is of the view that philosophy is better than poetry because philosopher deals with idea / truth, whereas poet deals with what appears to him / illusion.

Is Plato’s Symposium a poem?

The Symposium is considered a dialogue – a form used by Plato in more than thirty works – but in fact, it is predominantly a series of essay-like speeches from differing points of view.

Why did Plato dislike rhetoric?

Plato’s rejection of rhetoric is built upon two general lines of argument: Democratic weakness: most people are little better than sheep and cannot be trusted to judiciously pierce rhetoric’s “oral” spells. Epistemological weakness: rhetoric lacks proper knowledge.

Is Plato’s Republic a poem?

One of the greatest ironies of Plato’s Republic is that, although he condemns the poets and exiles them from his idyllic city, the Republic is perhaps one of the greatest literary works of all time, and a poem in its own right. Although written in prose, it is riddled with intricate symbolism and poetic elements.

Which is the best Plato poem about love?

Plato Poems Neath This Tall Pine. Neath this tall pine, That to the zephyr sways and murmurs low, Mayst thou recline, While near thee cooling waters flow…. more » To Stella. Thou gazest on the stars, my star! Ah! would that I might be Myself those skies with myriad eyes, That I might gaze on thee…. more » Love Asleep. more » Love Asleep

What does Plato say at the touch of Love?

Plato – At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Alfred Lord Tennyson We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone.

Which is the best quote for a platonic relationship?

While it’s still categorized as a relationship, you may experience something that you couldn’t expect. Check out these famous quotes about a platonic relationship. The reward for love is the experience of loving. Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. Sometimes you can’t explain what you see in a person.

When did Plato write the poem ” broad “?

Explore Poets GO! While near thee cooling waters flow. And to thy charmèd eyelids sleep will bring. Plato (Plátōn, “broad”; 424/423 BC – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece.