Users' questions

O que a kryptonita vermelha faz?

O que a kryptonita vermelha faz?

Na Série Smallville que conta a historia do Superman enquanto este era jovem, ou seja quando era “Superboy” existem alguns tipos de kryptonita: Verde – É letal para o Superboy e todos os outros kryptonianos; Vermelha – Faz com que o lado negro (rebelde) de Superboy e Supergirl aflore.

O que é uma pessoa kriptonita?

2. [Por extensão] Aquilo que enfraquece ou causa danos sérios a alguma coisa ou alguém (ex.: todas as pessoas têm a sua criptonite ). Grafia no Brasil: criptonita.

Quando o Lex descobre o segredo do Clark?

5×12 – Reckoning No 100º episódio da série, Clark revela seu segredo à Lana .

Qual o efeito da kriptonita no Superman?

A kryptonita é um mineral kryptoniano que tem o efeito principal de enfraquecer o (de outro modo invulnerável) Superman. O mineral, usualmente explicado como tendo sido criado dos restos do planeta natal do Superman, Krypton, geralmente tem efeitos nocivos ao Superman.

How did Clark turn Lex’s ring into Black Kryptonite?

Clark used his heat vision to turn the evil Lex’s Green Kryptonite ring into Black Kryptonite, combining the half-light and half-dark Lexes back together. Chloe Sullivan used a Black Kryptonite to divide the transforming Davis Bloome into a humanoid Davis and his rampaging monster counterpart, Doomsday.

How did Martha Kent get the Black Kryptonite?

Martha holds a Black Kryptonite to Clark. A Black Kryptonite was discovered and/or manufactured by Dr. Virgil Swann, who gave it to his associate Dr. Bridgette Crosby who, in turn, gave it to Martha Kent to help her after Clark Kent was re-programmed as Kal-El by Jor-El in an attempt to force him to fulfill his destiny.

What did Black Kryptonite do to Davis Bloome?

Chloe Sullivan used a Black Kryptonite to divide the transforming Davis Bloome into a humanoid Davis and his rampaging monster counterpart, Doomsday. The two sides of Davis’s personality were never re-combined; Doomsday was eventually buried down a geothermal facility and Davis Bloome was killed by a dying Jimmy Olsen.

How is black kryptonite used in Smallville?

This Kryptonite is created by heating Green Kryptonite to extremely high temperatures. A Black Kryptonite has been used to split several beings into different beings: one good and one evil, one light and one dark, one free and one controlled, one tame and one ferocious, one human and one monster.