Users' questions

Are Tibetan spaniels prone to seizures?

Are Tibetan spaniels prone to seizures?

This problem is often an inherited condition, with Tibetan Spaniels commonly afflicted. If your friend is prone to seizures, they will usually begin between six months and three years of age. An initial diagnostic workup may help find the cause.

What causes Ununited Anconeal process?

The growth plate between the anconeal process and the ulna normally fuses by about 5 months of age. If the anconeal process does not fuse to the rest of the ulna correctly, it causes a condition called ununited anconeal process (UAP).

Can certain dog foods cause seizures?

Both canned and dry food triggered STE in most dogs with only 1 dog having seizures triggered by drinking. Seizures triggered by drinking are even rarer than STE with very few cases reported in humans.

Where is the ununited anconeal process located?

What is an ununited anconeal process? The anconeal process is a small projection of bone on the ulna, the longer of the two bones of the forearm. The anconeal process forms part of the back surface of the elbow joint. There is a growth plate between the anconeal process and the rest of the ulna.

How does ununited anconeal process affect dogs?

In some cases, the bone fragment floats freely in the joint, causing further discomfort. Dogs with this disease are lame on the affected leg or legs and they may cry when the elbow is extended.

How is the ununited anconeal process ( UAP ) diagnosed?

UAP can be diagnosed by means of radiographs (X-rays) of the elbow. In some cases, this may require a short-acting anesthetic or sedative in order to achieve the optimal positioning for diagnostic purposes. In some cases, it may be necessary to have the X-rays examined by a veterinary radiologist for confirmation of the diagnosis.

When does the anconeal process fuse to the proximal ulna?

The anconeal process should fuse to the metaphyseal region of the proximal ulna at 4–5 months of age. If the process does not fuse, elbow stability is compromised and osteoarthritis ensues. Most patients having UAP have a short ulna relative to the length of the radius.