
What size is an embedded YouTube video?

What size is an embedded YouTube video?

560 x 340 pixels
The Embed screen will appear. By default the size of the video is set to 560 x 340 pixels (small) but you can select other sizes (640 x 385 pixels, 853 x 505 pixels etc) or set custom dimensions. When typing in custom pixel dimensions the aspect ratio is maintained. 4.

How do I embed a YouTube video on Proboards?

How do I embed a YouTube video in a Forum?

  1. Enter your course in TITANium.
  2. Click on the link to the forum you have already created.
  3. Click on Edit settings in the Forum administration block.
  4. Expand the text box menu.
  5. Click on the HTML tool.
  6. In a new tab, navigate to the desired YouTube video.

Can a BBCode link to an iframe page?

As a side note, allowing an iframe bbcode will allow anyone to link to anysite, so they could open a page with virii, malware, etc… which is why it’s set up to only allow pages within a certain domain. Do not contact me for private support, please share the question in our forums.

How to make a responsive 100% width YouTube iframe embed?

How To Make a Responsive 100% Width YouTube iFrame Embed Aug 12, 2014 Web Development Nick Vogt Comments (127) Please note that this post is over a year old and may contain outdated information. The key to creating a responsive YouTube embed is with padding and a container element, which allows you to give it a fixed aspect ratio.

How to tell the browser to display an iframe at width?

Can we tell the browser to display an at width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 16:9;? There is no aspect-ratio property, but we can do this with CSS. The 16:9 aspect ratio corresponds to a height which is 56.25% of the width.

How to make an iframe with a fixed aspect ratio?

The 16:9 aspect ratio corresponds to a height which is 56.25% of the width. To make a CSS box which is 56.25% of its own width, we can use the padding-top property with a percentage, which is proportional to its own width. Like this: Next, we put the inside this box, making it fill the whole box.