
What kind of market is Bursa Malaysia Derivatives?

What kind of market is Bursa Malaysia Derivatives?

Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) is a subsidiary of Bursa Malaysia Berhad established in 1993. BMD provides, operates and maintains equity, interest rates, bond, agricultural commodity (crude palm oil and palm kernel), metal commodities (gold and tin) futures and options market trading and settlement services.

What kind of business does Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad have?

Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) ( MYX: 2445) is a Malaysian multi-national company. The core business of the group is plantation (oil palm and rubber). The company has plantations that cover more than 250,000 hectares in Malaysia (Peninsular and Sabah) and Indonesia ( Belitung, Sumatra and Kalimantan ).

When did IOI start oil palm plantations in Malaysia?

It ventured into property development in 1984, followed by oil palm plantations and refineries in 1985. IOI was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE)—now known as Bursa Malaysia—in 1980.

When did Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad go into voluntary liquidation?

In 1973, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) was incorporated in Malaysia and under a Scheme of Reconstruction, KLKA went into voluntary liquidation with KLK taking over the assets and liabilities of KLKA. The company’s shares is listed on the stock exchanges of Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and London.

What kind of services does Bursa Malaysia offer?

Operating a fully-integrated exchange, Bursa Malaysia offers a complete range of exchange-related services including trading, clearing, settlement and depository services.

When does Bursa Malaysia close for the year?

bursa malaysia announces record rm377.7 million profit after tax, zakat and minority interest for the financial year ended 31 december 2020: 29 jan 2021 closure of bursa malaysia in conjunction with federal territory day & chinese new year holidays: 29 jan 2021

When did Bursa Malaysia start the LFX exchange?

Bursa Malaysia launched LFX, an international offshore financial exchange, in 2000 in a collaborative effort to support the development of Labuan, Malaysia as an international financial centre.