What is somaclonal variation example?
What is somaclonal variation example?
Plants regenerated from rice callus shows phenotypic characters. These somaclones exhibit variations such as number of tiller per plant, panicle size and frequency of fertile plant. About 800 somaclones were derived from seed callus. In addition, wide variation in seed fertility and plant height were noticed.
How do you identify somaclonal variation?
Different PCR based methods are there which can detect somaclonal variation in tissue culture derived plants. If the genome sequence of the plant is known then one can easily design SSR or ISSR markers and check for the variations.
What are causes of somaclonal variation?
Cause of Somaclonal Variation The somaclonal variation developed due to physiological activity such as plant hormone, plant growth regulators, and culture conditions of the media. This type of variation caused when the sample expose a longer time in a particular conditions.
What is the definition of somaclonal variation in plants?
Somaclonal variation is defined as genetic variation observed among progeny plants obtained after somatic tissue culture in vitro. Theoretically all progeny plants regenerated from somatic cells should be identical clones.
What does Larkin and Scowcroft mean by somaclonal variation?
The term somaclonal variation by Larkin and Scowcroft (1981) was given for the variability generated by the use of a tissue culture cycle. Somaclonal variation is defined as genetic variation observed among progeny plants obtained after somatic tissue culture in vitro.
Which is the best fruit to study somaclonal variation?
Sweet orange and other polyembryonic citrus cultivars are well suited for studies of somaclonal variation due to their biology and good performance in tissue culture. The sweet orange is polyembryonic and forms adventive somatic embryos from nucellar tissue]
Which is a reliable parameter for detecting somaclone variation?
Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins or Enzymes: A somaclone could be variant for a number of biochemical characters. Among them gel electrophoresis of the proteins or enzyme extract from the homogenized plant parts is a reliable parameter for detecting the variants.