
What does high MCV labs mean?

What does high MCV labs mean?

If someone has a high MCV level, their red blood cells are larger than usual, and they have macrocytic anemia. Macrocytosis occurs in people with an MCV level higher than 100 fl . Megaloblastic anemia is a type of macrocytic anemia.

Why is my MCH and MCV high?

The most common reason for high MCH is macrocytic anemia, which is a blood disorder in which the body fails to produce enough red blood cells. In macrocytic anemia, red blood cells that are produced are larger than usual, each carrying more hemoglobin than normal-sized cells would.

What causes high MCV in blood test?

The common causes of macrocytic anemia (increased MCV) are as follows: Folate deficiency anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Liver disease.

What can cause high MCH levels?

High MCH value can often be caused by anemia due to a deficiency of B vitamins, particularly B-12 and folate . Both of these vitamins are required by your body in order to make red blood cells.

What causes high MCH levels?

There are many conditions that can cause high MCH blood test levels. These include vitamin B12 deficiency and thyroid malfunction. When the patient’s blood work reports a high MCH blood test result, the doctor will test the vitamin and hormone levels in the blood to understand the cause of the problem.

Why would MCV and MCh be high?

High MCH and MCV may indicate anemia (iron, B6, or copper), Vit b12 and folic acid deficiency or alcohol use. Even relatively small amount of alcohol 2-4 drinks per day can cause this. Other conditions that can cause high MCV and MCH are liver disease, jaundice, hypothyroidism.

What is high MCh in blood test?

MCH blood test high. If the MCH value is more than 34 picograms, then it is medically considered the high value of MCV . This abnormal value is associated with macrocytic anemia . In this blood disorder, the amount of RBCs is less, but size of each cell is larger than the normal and each RBC also contains more hemoglobin content than the normal.