
What are XCF files?

What are XCF files?

XCF is a file extension for an image file native to GIMP. XCF stands for eXperimental Computing Facility. Similar to a Photoshop Document (PSD), XCF files support saving layers, channels, transparency, paths and guides, yet don’t support saving the undo history.

What can open .XCF files?

XCF files created from any version of GIMP can be opened with the latest version. IrfanView, XnView, Inkscape, Paint.NET, CinePaint, digiKam, Krita, Seashore, and several other image editors/viewers also work with XCF files.

Is XCF vector or raster?

The XCF Raster image file format XCF is used by the open source GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), an image formatting program that facilitates easy selection of channels, transparencies, paths and guides. It is used to saved the edited versions of images.

Is XCF lossless?

XCF files are not lossy files at all. They keep ALL the data. I save everything as XCF files first and then save a copy as png, jpg, gif or whatever I need.

What kind of file format is XCF file format?

XCF (file format) A collaborative effort between the developers of GIMP and Krita is underway to design a raster file format called OpenRaster, modelled on the OpenDocument format, for use in both applications in a future version.

What does XCF stand for in GIMP image format?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. XCF, short for eXperimental Computing Facility, is the native image format of the GIMP image-editing program. It saves all of the data the program handles related to the image, including, among others, each layer, the current selection, channels, transparency, paths and guides.

Can a XCF file be opened in CinePaint?

The XCF file format used in CinePaint has diverged from the GIMP’s native format, so XCF files created in GIMP cannot be opened in CinePaint, and vice versa. Some image viewers and conversion software can read the format with varying degrees of success: