
What are the applications of ring counter?

What are the applications of ring counter?

Applications of Ring counters

  • Ring counters are used to count the data in a continuous loop.
  • They are also used to detect the various numbers values or various patterns within a set of information, by connecting AND & OR logic gates to the ring counter circuits.

What are ring counter and where it is used?

It is also known as switch-tail ring counter, walking ring counter or Johnson counter. It connects the complement of the output of the last shift register to the input of the first register and circulates a stream of ones followed by zeros around the ring. Here, we use Clock (CLK) for all the flip-flops.

What is ring counter and Johnson counter explain its working with suitable waveform?

A Ring counter is a synchronous counter. the synchronous counter has a common clock signal that triggers all the Flip-flops at the same time. Ring counter consists of D-flip flops connected in cascade setup with the output of last Flip-flop connected to the input of first Flip-flop. Each flip-flop constitutes a stage.

How ring counter is different from modulo counter?

The “MODULO” or “MODULUS” of a counter is the number of states the counter counts or sequences through before repeating itself and a ring counter can be made to output any modulo number. For example, a mod-8 ring counter requires eight flip-flops and a mod-16 ring counter would require sixteen flip-flops.

What is Johnson counter?

“Johnson counter” or “twisted ring counter” is a type of synchronous ring counter in which the complemented output of the flip-flop is connected with the input of the first flip-flop. Johnson counter can be made with D-flip flops or JK-flip flops in cascade setup.

What is a Johnson counter?

A Johnson counter is a modified ring counter, where the inverted output from the last flip flop is connected to the input to the first. The register cycles through a sequence of bit-patterns.

What is Johnson decade counter?

A Johnson decade counter is essentially a ring of flip-flops (5-stage means it has 5 flip-flops in a sequence, as opposed to the 4 used by a ripple counter).