
Is puertasaurus the biggest dinosaur?

Is puertasaurus the biggest dinosaur?

Fernando Novas, one of the paleontologists who described Puertasaurus reuili, estimated that the new species was approximately 35 to 40 metres (115 to 131 ft) long and weighed between 80 and 100 metric tons (88 and 110 short tons) This would place it as one of the biggest dinosaurs ever to walk the earth, only rivaled …

Is Patagotitan the same as Argentinosaurus?

In 2019 Gregory S. Paul listed Patagotitan at 31 m (102 ft) in length and 50–55 tonnes (49–54 long tons; 55–61 short tons) in weight using volumetric models, making it smaller than Argentinosaurus which was estimated at 35 m (115 ft) or more in length and 65–75 tonnes (64–74 long tons; 72–83 short tons) in weight.

Did the Argentinosaurus have any predators?

Argentinosaurus May Have Been Preyed Upon by Giganotosaurus The scattered remains of Argentinosaurus are associated with those of the 10-ton carnivore Giganotosaurus, meaning these two dinosaurs shared the same territory in middle Cretaceous South America.

What kind of animal is the Puertasaurus saurour?

Puertasaurus is a genus of titanosaurid sauropod from the Late Cretaceous Cerro Fortaleza Formation of Argentina. It was the first giant titanosaur that preserved neck vertebrae, which, along with vertebrae from the back and tail, are the entirety of the animal known.

How big did the Puertasaurus reuili dinosaur get?

Fernando Novas, one of the paleontologists who described Puertasaurus reuili, estimated that the new species was approximately 35 to 40 meters (115 to 131 ft) long and weighed between 80 and 100 metric tons (88 to 110 short tons ).

Where did the Puertasaurus sauropod dinosaur live in South America?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Puertasaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous Period.

How big was the rib cage of a Puertasaurus?

The huge size of the diapophyses indicated a very wide rib cage, which would have been anywhere from 5 to 8 meters wide, which would make Puertasaurus not just one of the largest dinosaurs, but also possibly the widest and heaviest.