
How often must covered entities provide HB 300 training to employees?

How often must covered entities provide HB 300 training to employees?

every two years
In contrast to HIPAA, which does not stipulate how often additional training must be provided, Texas H.B. 300 requires additional privacy training to be provided at least every two years. Training sessions need to be tailored to the role and responsibilities of the employee.

Is Texas HB 300 stricter than HIPAA?

Texas HB 300 (Texas House Bill 300) was a bill passed and signed by Texas Governor places stricter requirements on patient health privacy than those required by HIPAA and also expands the definition of covered entities to include those that come into possession of, obtain, assemble, collect, analyze, evaluate, store.

What are ways that Texas HB 300 expands individual privacy protections beyond HIPAA except?

Texas House Bill 300 Significantly Expands State’s Patient Privacy Protections for Covered Entities

  • revising the definition of a “covered entity”;
  • increasing mandates on covered entities, including requiring customized employee training;
  • establishing standards for the use of electronic health records (“EHRs”);

What HIPAA training is required?

HIPAA requires organizations to provide training for all employees, new workforce members, and periodic refresher training. The definition of “periodic” is not defined and can be left open to interpretation. However, most organizations train all employees on HIPAA annually. This is considered to be a best practice.

Who is required to do HB 300 training in Texas?

HIPAA Texas HB 300 Training training is mandatory for all employees (healthcare and non-healthcare). It is mandatory for anyone who comes into contact with protected health information (PHI). This includes Other Professionals (Lawyers, accountants, schools, researchers, internet service providers, etc.)

Who is required to do HIPAA training in Texas?

HIPAA Texas HB 300 Training training is mandatory for all employees (healthcare and non-healthcare). It is mandatory for anyone who comes into contact with protected health information (PHI). Other Professionals (Lawyers, accountants, schools, researchers, internet service providers, etc.)

When did Texas HB 300 go into effect?

Texas has some of the most stringent laws in the United States as far as health data is concerned which are detailed in Texas HB 300 (Texas House Bill 300). Texas HB 300 was passed by the Texas legislature in June 2011 and was signed into law by Texas Governor Rick Perry. The compliance date for Texas HB 300 was September 1, 2012.

Who is exempt from HIPAA and Texas HB 300?

The expanded definition of HB 300 means that many businesses and individuals currently exempt from HIPAA will be subject to the requirements of HB 300. For example, lawyers, accountants, schools, researchers, internet service providers, etc.