
How long is the POM cycle?

How long is the POM cycle?

POM Description The Program Objective Memorandum (POM) is a five-year plan that begins three years out from the current year, as shown in the Generate POM Input Every Year process flowchart. It is the foundation of the Department of Navy (DON) budget.

How long is Milcon money good for?

Military Construction (MILCON): appropriations fund major projects such as bases, schools, missile storage facilities, maintenance facilities, medical/dental clinics, libraries, and military family housing. Available five (5) Years.

What does Pom mean in DoD?

Program Objective Memorandums
Program Objective Memorandums (POM) Subordinate activities within each Military Department (e.g. Army Commands, numbered Air Forces and Fleets, acquisition program offices) begin developing their individual budgets as a prelude to the Service Secretary’s call for budget estimates.

How does the POM cycle work?

The POM covers the 5-year Future Year Defense Program (FYDP) and presents the Services and Defense Agencies proposal on how they will balance their allocation of available resources. The POM includes an analysis of missions, objectives, alternative methods to accomplish objectives, and allocation of resources.

What is the difference between POM and BES?

The POM and BES update the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). The BES covers two years (such as FY 12 and FY 13). Changes to the POM are known as Fact of Life Changes (FoLCs), while changes to the BES are known as Change Proposals (CPs).

How many years are covered by the FYDP for a PPBE cycle?

5 years
The Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) (10 USC § 221) summarizes forces, resources, and equipment associated with all DoD programs. The FYDP displays total DoD resources and force structure information for 5 years; the current budgeted year and 4 additional years.

What is the bona fide needs rule?

The bona fide needs rule is a rule of appropriations law. It mandates that a fiscal year’s appropriations only be obligated to meet a legitimate—or bona fide—need arising in (or sometimes before) the fiscal year for which the appropriation was made.

What is the final phase of the life cycle of an appropriation?

Canceling obligations is the final phase of the life cycle of appropriations. Funds are not available for obligation, obligation adjustment, or disbursement on September 30th of the fifth fiscal year after the expiration of an appropriation’s period of availability for incurring new obligations (31 U.S.C. § 1552(a)).

What is POM period?

The programming phase generates a Program Objective Memorandum (POM), a funding plan for each military service and defense agency covering a five-year period that adjusts programs in the FYDP.

What does PPBE stand for?

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) is the Department of Defense (DOD) process for allocating resources.

What are the bona fide needs rule Why is it important?

§ 1502(a), commonly referred to as the bona fide needs rule, which provides that fixed period appropriations are only available for the legitimate needs of the period of availability for which they were made. The bona fide needs rule applies to cost-reimbursement contracts, just as it does to other contract types.

What is severable vs non severable?

Gen. 741, 743 (1986). A nonseverable service is one that requires the contractor to complete and deliver a specified end product (for example, a final report of research). A severable service is a recurring service or one that is measured in terms of hours or level of effort rather than work objectives.

What does a program objective memorandum ( pom ) mean?

Program Objective Memorandum (POM) A Program Objective Memorandum (POM) is a recommendation from the Services and Defense Agencies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) concerning how they plan to allocate resources (funding) for a program(s) to meet the Service Program Guidance (SPG) and Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) .

When is the pom part of the PPBE process?

The POM is part the Programming phase of the Program, Planning, Budget, and Execution (PPBE) process, when planning decisions, programming guidance, and congressional guidance is converted into a detailed allocation of resources.

Why is pom considered to be an unstable material?

Because the material lacks the rigidity of most metals, care should be taken to use light clamping forces and sufficient support for the work piece. As can be the case with many polymers, machined POM can be dimensionally unstable, especially with parts that have large variations in wall thicknesses.

What are the applications of injection molded POM?

Typical applications for injection-molded POM include high-performance engineering components (e.g. gear wheels, ski bindings, yoyos, fasteners, lock systems). The material is widely used in the automotive and consumer electronics industry.
