
How do I share a WordPress post on social media?

How do I share a WordPress post on social media?

Search for the post you want to share again. Click on the ellipses menu to the right of the post, then select Share. You’ll then see the Publicize options where you can add a custom message, toggle which social media platform you want to share to, and manage connections. Select Share Post to re-share the post.

How do I add a Facebook share button to WordPress?

You can add a Facebook Share button (and other sharing options such as Twitter, Google or Pinterest) through Tools → Marketing → Sharing Buttons in your dashboard. To add it to your blog, enable the sharing options you want and click on Edit Sharing Buttons and select Facebook.

How do I add social media buttons to my WordPress blog?

Install “Social Media Follow Buttons Bar” just as you would any other WordPress Plugin. Automatically via WordPress Admin Area: Log in to Admin Area of your WordPress website. Go to “ Plugins ” -> “ Add New “.

How do I edit share buttons in WordPress?

To enable the official buttons, go down to the Button style menu and select Official buttons. Save your changes and check out your blog to see the results. You can also edit the label next shown above the sharing buttons by clicking the Edit label text button at the top of the page.

Which is the best social share button for WordPress?

It is the best WordPress social media plugin available on the market. Using this plugin, you can easily add social share buttons in your WordPress posts and also display the share counts. The best part is that it is optimized for performance and doesn’t slow down your website.

Why is it important to share your WordPress posts?

Sharing WordPress posts to social media can be a core component of your social media marketing strategy. It can not only help drive targeted traffic to your site, it can also help your site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Even though we’re all aware that social media marketing is powerful, the statistics really hammer the point home.

Can you add a social media link to a WordPress post?

A new WordPress block allows you to select social media icons to place in your blog post. Within that icon, you can add a link to your social media account. Social media is an excellent tool to help you grow your audience.

How do you share a link in WordPress?

Add your link and any optional text, then select the arrow next to the Add to Queue button for your scheduling options: Share Next will share it at the next posting time specified in the Schedule tab, and Share Now will share it immediately.