
What is the preterite of hacer?

What is the preterite of hacer?

Lesson Summary

Yo hice Nosotros
hiciste Vosotros
Él/ella/usted hizo Ellos/ellas/ustedes

What is the Participio of hacer?

Hacer Participio The participio of Hacer is hecho. The present perfect tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb haber with the participio.

What is the future conjugation of hacer?

Spanish Verb Conjugations

Present tense
yo haré haremos
harás haréis
él hará harán

Do you know the conjugation of Hacer in Spanish?

Although one of the most common verbs in Spanish, hacer is an irregular verb, which means you might have to memorize some of its conjugations. It will be worth it, though, as you will be using it more often than you think. Use the tables and examples below to practice.

Which is the correct form of hacer present progressive?

Hacer Present Progressive/Gerund Form The equivalent of the English -ing form, gerund or present participle, is the – ando or -iendo form in Spanish . The gerund for hacer is formed regularly, using the ending -iendo.

Which is the irregular form of the verb HACE R?

Like most much-used verbs, hace r’s conjugation is highly irregular. Here are the conjugations of the irregular indicative forms, with irregular conjugations in boldface: Present: yo hago, tú haces, él/ella/usted hace, hay (impersonal), nosotros/nosotras hacemos, vosotros/vosotras hacéis, ellos/ellas/ustedes hacen.

When do you use hacer to indicate causation?

To show causation: In some cases, hacer is used similarly to the English “make” to indicate why sometime happened. Ella me hace feliz. (She makes me happy.) Eso me hizo sentir mal. (That made me feel bad.) To indicate the act of becoming: The reflexive form hacerse is often used to indicate change.