
What is the market price for wheat?

What is the market price for wheat?


Last 692.50
Prev Close 672.00
Days Range 696.25 – 670.75
Volume 73,311
52 Wk Range 767.75 – 521.50

What is the price of wheat in 2021?

Durum Wheat ($/metric tonne)

Provinces April
2020 2021
AlbertaAB $240.37 $294.15
SaskatchewanSK $222.60 $285.27
ManitobaMB $243.47 $294.12

How is market year average price determined?

Basically, the idea to compute the price is the total revenue received for selling the crop during the year, divided by the total quantity of the crop sold during the year. The process starts with monthly estimates for state-level commodity prices.

What was the price of wheat in 1931?

Wheat Prices In 1931 during the Great Depression, it would hit a low of just $0.33 per bushel.

What is the price per bushel of wheat?

For the 2019-2020 wheat crop, the difference between the $5.50 reference price and the MYA price of $4.58 generated the $0.92 per bushel payment rate. K-State also released estimates for the MYA

How much does a bushel of wheat cost?

The total cost per acre is projected to be $274. At 50 bushels per acre, the breakeven price would be $4.98 per bushel for variable costs and $5.48 for total costs. At this writing, the market is offering $5.59 for 2015-harvest delivered wheat.

What is Chicago wheat?

Chicago Wheat and KC Wheat are the global industry standards for wheat price risk management , while newer Black Sea Wheat and Australian Wheat contracts provide price discovery and trading opportunities on emerging grain markets around the world. Use Wheat futures and options contracts to build hedging strategies, manage risk and discover liquidity in one efficient marketplace.