What is stored in the WordPress database?
What is stored in the WordPress database?
The information stored in a WordPress database includes posts, pages, comments, categories, tags, custom fields, users, and other WordPress settings.
Where are WordPress tables stored?
WordPress (Posts and) Pages are stored in the MySQL (compatible) database that WordPress relies on. Within that, even “Pages” (or other WordPress “custom post types”) are stored in the wp_posts table of the database. You’ll typically access these with a tool like phpMyAdmin.
What is stored in Wp_postmeta?
wp_postmeta It stores extra information from posts. Some plugins store data within this table. The social sharing plugin MashShare stores share counts of specific posts in this table.
What is stored in Wp_options?
The wp_options table contains all sorts of data for your WordPress site such as: Site URL, home URL, admin email, default category, posts per page, time format, etc. Settings for plugins, themes, widgets. Temporarily cached data.
How does WordPress link posts to categories in its database?
At present I am displaying a list of the last 5 posts in a site’s blog in its footer using this mysql query: How can I edit this query to restrict the search to a particular category id? I thought it would be as simple as looking for a category field in the posts table but it isn’t!
Where are pages stored in the WordPress database?
Most of the tables are linked to each other, with wp_posts being the most important one: wp_posts is where the content of your posts and pages is stored. Information on attachments is also stored in this table, as well as navigation menus and revisions. wp_postmeta (linked to wp_posts) stores metadata about posts and pages.
How to find WordPress category table in MySQL?
For example, given a term of the category taxonomy, count tracks how many posts are in that specific category. wp_term_relationships – contains the many-to-many relationship between WordPress objects such as posts or links to a term_taxonomy_id from the term_taxonomy table. object_id is the ID of a post or link.
Where are taxonomies and terms stored in WordPress?
Taxonomies and terms are stored in the following database tables: wp_term_relationships – relates the taxonomy to an object (for example, category to post) WordPress offers several different hierarchies of templates for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. More details on their structure and usage may be found on the Taxonomy Templates page.