
What is Mancession?

What is Mancession?

The term mancession refers to a recession that impacts men more than it does women. A mancession is characterized by high unemployment that disproportionately affects the male population.

Why was the recent recession called the mancession?

The Great Recession is often called a “mancession” because most of the jobs that the economy shed were lost by men. Between December 2007 and June 2009—the recession’s official timeframe, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research—jobs held by men accounted for more than 70 percent of all those lost.

Where did the majority of the jobs lost in the recession come from?

Men accounted for 78 percent of those job losses, just as they have during the current recession. So, in terms of job losses, the current recession has hit men in roughly the same proportion as did the previous recession, but by a much smaller proportion than during earlier recessions.

What kind of jobs were lost in the recession?

The jobs losses were sharp and deep, disproportionately hitting women, Latinx workers, and certain low wage sectors of the economy, notably leisure and hospitality. The effects were particularly devastating for Black workers and their families who were less able to weather job losses.

Why was the global recession called a mancession?

The 2008–2012 global recession has been called a “mancession” because of the disproportionate number of men who lost their jobs as compared to women. This gender gap became wide in the United States in 2009, when 10.5% of men in the labor force were unemployed, compared with 8% of women.

Which is the best description of a mancession?

A mancession is characterized by high unemployment that disproportionately affects the male population. These job losses normally lead to other negative economic conditions that affect men.

When does a recession have a greater impact on men than women?

A mancession is when job losses in a recession disproportionately fall on men rather than women, especially in reference to the Great Recession. Recessions normally have a greater impact on male employment over the past 50 years, while female workforce participation and employment has increased in the same period.

What is the balance of power between the two levels of government?

There is an ongoing negotiation over the balance of power between the two levels. Federalism describes the system of shared governance between national and state governments. The states and the federal government have both exclusive and concurrent powers, which help to explain the negotiation over the balance of power between them.